AH YES. My first concert in Ghana. My first concert ever actually. The only other one I’ve went to was a Josh Groban concert for Wesley’s birthday back when we lived in Massachusetts. So I don’t exactly count it. This day was also momentous because it was the first time I had the pleasure of skyping with my lover, Samantha Asker. Now, for those who do not know, she is my female soulmate. She has been my best friend since seventh grade and has remained my best friend until this day- through two moves, and through college. We are pros at long distance relationships. But honestly, she completes me in a way no other person can. No matter what I am struggling with, I can tell her about it. She has also been to Uganda before, and has traveled to Europe as well. She is about to go abroad in the Spring on an honors program to Senegal, India, and Argentina (pretty sweet). She is outstanding. I already have plans to see her in January before she takes off.
I ended up skipping two classes for this concert (don’t worry mom and dad, I worked it out) and getting dressed in the free people dress Jamie sent me in a package (my favorite store in America- ridiculously pricey so I am constantly shopping their sale rack) and did my best to get concert ready in this African heat. Then we all took a cab to the place around 5:30- we got there by 6:30 ish. We arrived and waited in a super long line to get in. Funny thing is, in Ghana, people have no concept for lines. They will cut you, bump into you, etc. We grabbed some popcorn in line to keep us in check (we were all drinking) but I was just having some sangria (very low alcohol content, don’t worry parents). We finally got to the gate and we scrambled in practically getting sandwiched between people on our way. Then we walked inside through a red carpet and such. The space was REALLY NICE. At least, I thought so. It was air conditioned, the chairs were cushioned, there was a nice bar, bathrooms with TOILET PAPER! And an awesome stage. Unfortunately we didn’t get there early enough to get seats but we had fun just relaxing and dancing to the music. The djs were playing a great mix of Ghanaian music and American pop. At this time it was about 7:45 ish. We hung out until 9 when the concert actually started (it was supposed to start at 8…Oh Ghana…)
Now…the concert lasted until three in the morning. No, I am not kidding. It was ridiculous. I witnessed a great deal of Ghanaian culture let me tell you…first of all we squeezed in the seats and stood up on them. Mainly because everyone else was and even though I’m tall, I couldn’t see a bloody thing unless if I stood. Although these chairs are stable, I kept falling because other people would climb up and join you on the same chair disregarding safety. Hahaha….I sound like a teacher. Anyway, All four of us (Big Kim, little Kim and Elice) made our way to the center and had a great view. Eventually Little Kim and Elice split off from us though, so Kim and I chilled for a bit and listened to the music. It was really cool because a lot of the songs being performed were songs we have been hearing all semester. And they were so much more entertaining to be hearing them live. It’s always really cool to recognize Ghanaian music. Its crazy to think that I’ve been here long enough to hear a song and be like, “ugh, not that song again.” Or, “YESSSSSSSSSS GET IT!”. But Kim and I decided that we would find all of these artists and purchase their music immediately. We need to have Ghana parties when we get back and just play music for everyone because the music is fantastic. There was one girl group which was ridiculous. They got carried out on the shoulders of huge burly men and were all wearing trenchcoats. Awful lip syncing. We were hoping for Destiny’s child and were sorely disappointed. Btw, I have recordings of many of these groups which I will be periodically putting up if you want to have a listen. We actually heard about twelve different artists and groups. It was crazy how many performances we saw. I had to take breaks and sit down to relax because I was getting so tired from all the music and the people on either side of me jumping and dancing. There was a couple next to me that were dancing (on the same chair mind you) and the girl kept putting her foot on the chair in front of her so she could dance closer to her man. She was clearly drunk because she kept falling and tapping Kim and I to say random things that we couldn’t understand. And then I suddenly got shoved and almost fell on my face into the crowd of people. Luckily, a man caught me before I did. But I turned around and saw a massive fight between four or five men. Kim and I immediately hopped down from our chairs and backed away because we were so packed together that we could have easily gotten hit. Mind you, everyone is drunk and has no concept for personal space.
After about ten minutes, a man who claimed to be security calmed down the fight and we went back to the show. It was weird though because I actually was afraid to get caught in the line of fire. Someone just said they were “stupid, drunk Nigerians”. Side note, Ghanaians dislike Nigerians. There is a rivalry between the two countries. AHHH another side note- a few of the artists had dancers and they were insane. I would KILL to be able to dance like that. Sigh. If only. However, I am starting to learn. This week in dance we spent twenty minutes just shaking our butts and moving our hips. The combination is crazy and I love it. Such a side note, but whatever. These entries are very scattered anyway.
A few hours later I was wondering at how Ghanaians have so much energy. They were still dancing and going like there was no tomorrow. I was completely pooped. Like, hungry, tired, headache, and I hadn’t even seen Trey yet. Me and Kim were slowing fading. Damn I hate to do this again but another side note- Ghanaians dress up here. Like a lot. For this concert I saw very nice fancy dresses, everyone wore heels, and the men had on nice shirts- some with ties. I was very impressed. Come on, America! Let’s step it up.
Elice started texted us and we assumed she was with Little Kim but then we realized that she wasn’t and she was missing. So, luckily this happened during the two o clock moment when we were all waiting for Trey to come on so we had adequate time to search for her and not miss anything. We couldn’t find her anywhere and so we went to make an announcement but then finally Elice found her. Supposedly she had lost her phone. Witnessing a fight, check. Losing a friend, check. Getting obnoxiously hit on, check. While we were searching Kim and I ran into this huge man who said we were very beautiful and asked for our numbers. He made up this claim that he studied at the university too, and wanted to meet up with us the next day. He said, “Here’s how it’s gonna go. I’m going to get your numbers, and then we will meet up tomorrow.” Kim responded in a way only Kim would, “Here’s how its gonna go, we are gonna leave.” And we left. I love her.
Trey finally came on and I died. First of all because I had no idea what a great voice he had. He was showing off all sorts of range and I was extremely impressed. We attempted to edge our way back towards the front but I got terrified because men were trying to pick us up and put us on their shoulders (a huge NO) and then I couldn’t breathe because we were squished so much. Like, actually if I had fallen. I may have been suffocated. So with both hands on my purse I wiggled my way out of there knocking away the hands of about twenty men trying to grab me (please sir, I get it, youre drunk but that does not mean I am your plaything). We headed over to the edge and when people started to leave (relatively soon because it was getting so late) me and Kim ventured closer and got a great view again. He took of his shirt…and I cried a little bit. So sexy. He sang Bottom’s up and did Nicki Minaj’s rap which was awesome as well as a cover of Love the Way you lie which was beautiful. He did all of his popular songs plus more. I think I also forget to mention that Amber Rose cohosted this. Of course, being me, I had no idea who she was. But apparently it was a big deal. All I knew was that she found it necessary to change outfits after every group.
When we finally headed out, it was raining and we got really wet. A taxi driver tried to charge us 25 cedi to get back to campus when we had originally paid ten to get here. We eventually got into a taxi that had a broken window (on my side of course) and super squeaky windshield wipers that did not work. Haha. We ended up getting a flat tire on the way as well. I continually got soaked because my window wouldn’t go up. I just rolled my eyes (all you can do) and thought to myself how we were lucky to get a cabin the first place. We got back around four. It was a long, awesome, night.
Kim and I:
Elice and Little Kim:
Creepy Masked Dancer man:
Girl Group that Kim and I judged hardcore:
Videos on Facebook!